Me too.

If I had a dollar for every time a dog moms and dads asked for this kind of information, Ronnie and I would be living large.

We all want proof.

And for dog owners intrigued by the thought of feeding a raw diet, it makes sense to review this kind of information.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Do you rack your brain trying to figure out why there are no scientific studies on raw diets for dogs? Or at the very least, have you wondered why there isn’t any data-driven research on the topic.

Do you wish there was more clear-cut information about raw feeding?

You won’t find anyone that preaches the “educated-consumer” mantra more. I always recommend dog owners take an active role in their dog’s health. It’s essential that you perform your own research, due diligence, and diet experimentation.

But… the harsh reality is that finding this information is a real crapshoot.

I know better than anyone. As a proponent of raw diets, it’s a huge disappointment when I’m unable to providing budding raw feeders with scientific research to support raw feeding claims.

That is, until today.

In this article, you’ll learn why raw feeding studies are rare and where you can go today to find trusted and unbiased raw feeding research.

Whether it’s a friend or family member that first turned you on to the idea or that elusive girl you met in the supermarket with a shopping cart overflowing with meat – having a genuine conversation with a passionate individual speaks louder than words.

Positive recommendations from other dog owners who have been in your shoes spread like wildfire.

These confirmations are the reason raw feeding has gotten so much traction today and has quite possibly fueled the growth of the practice. Personally, I think they’re worth their weight in gold.

It’s proof the diet works. Testimonials are real stories from real people with nothing to gain.

Sure, testimonials are immensely helpful but some of you might still be wondering, “Why don’t studies on raw diets exist?”

Despite the information gap, the raw feeding movement has continued to thrive, why?

Real-life stories. Glowing accounts of health transformations are found in support of raw diets everywhere.

Testimonials Tell a Convincing Story

That’s a greats question; let’s have an honest look.

NOTE: Aside from research, if you’re looking to understand why you should consider feeding your dog a raw diet, click here.

Of the commercial raw dog food companies, vast majorities are independently owned. They’re smaller operations and they don’t have multi-million-dollar marketing budgets that the pet food giants have at their disposal.

Neither do consumers.

For the thousands of dog owners providing a homemade raw diet – we’re alone. We don’t have a company, an organization, or even an industry backing home-based feeding practices.

So where would this funding come from, other than our own pocketbooks?

Scientific studies and ongoing research can be quite expensive. Funding typically comes from:

• Government grants
• Non-profit organizations (usually large ones with big budgets)
• Companies and corporations (for marketing or research and development)
• Private investors.

Most of us that feed raw diets for our dogs do so at home.

The Absence of Raw Feeding Data is Due to a Lack of Funding

Our government has bigger fish to fry so they won’t be funding any pet nutrition projects anytime soon.

We’d also be hard pressed to find a pet-related non-profit that can throw this kind of money at nutrition, an already multi-billion-dollar industry, run by some very powerful corporations.

This leaves companies, corporations and wealthy, private investors among the groups that can afford this type of research. Not coincidentally, it’s these companies, employees, and shareholders that have a vested interest in seeing this research carried out.

Which brings me to my next point.

Now, let’s look at this objectively.

If irrefutable data existed illustrating the health benefits of feeding dogs a raw diet, pet food companies would be in a sticky situation.

In order to maintain the status quo, the pet food industry needs to support their best practices. This can include the use of lower quality ingredients, the heavy processing of foods, the inclusion of chemicals and other additives, and the practice of feeding foods that are not biologically appropriate.

How do they do this? With scientific studies of course.

Raw Feeding Research Is Not in the Best Interest of Pet Food Companies

They fund studies (biased from the get-go) to refute raw feeding claims, despite the thousands, if not millions of dogs thriving on raw diets. Let alone all the other animals in the wild that do so as well.

Like this study claiming dogs thrive on a starch-rich diet (see here for a fantastic rebuttal) or this study suggesting homemade dog food is nutritionally deficient.

It looks pretty grim, doesn’t it?

Get ready for some good news.

Susan Thixton, the face behind Truth About Pet Food, along with the help of some determined dog lovers and consumers, recently organized a history-making project. It was the very first consumer-funded pet food testing project.

You can read more about it and the shocking test results here.

Realistic Pet Food Research

Note: The pet food testing project did not include raw pet foods. Support the project and perhaps it can be expanded in the future!

Susan also maintains the Petsumer Report, a database available for subscribers with reviews of over 3,500 pet foods and treats, including raw dog food. 

Subscribers have 24/7 access to information on risky ingredients, country of origin, quality and grade of meat products, recall history, and much more. Just as valuable, the report also teaches subscribers how to be more discerning pet food consumers.

Thomas Sandberg is another example of a devoted dog lover. He’s been on a life-long mission – 15 years to be exact – to help pets live longer and healthier lives and he needs your participation.

His current projects are:

Finally, Raw Feeding Research!

Research on feeding a raw diet to extend the life and longevity of our pets.

This project has been in progress for 15 years and is about to enter Phase 2, where 1000 dogs will be added to the project and followed for the next 15 years. The conclusion: 30 years of real-life, documented cases and the most comprehensive raw feeding research that has ever taken place.

The Odin Project

Research exploring cancer prevention through a raw

Statistically speaking, 1 in 4 dogs will contract cancer and this study attempts to see if the incidence of cancer is the same in raw fed dogs versus dogs fed commercial pet foods.

Cancer Prevention

Research into natural cancer cures.

He’s tracking and documenting pets on an alternative cancer treatment among other natural remedies to see if it’s effective in curing cancer.

Natural Cancer Remedies

Tom states his findings have been “no short of amazing” and he’s observed “longer, healthier lives and a dramatic reduction in cancer incidents.”

To learn more about his cause, visit Long Living Pets Research Projects and consider joining any of his current projects. Registering only takes a few minutes and there’s no cost involved.

I signed Ronnie, up and I’m looking forward to being part of the project and sharing Ronnie’s results with a raw diet over the course of his life.

If your dog is struggling with cancer, then I strongly suggest you join his Cancer Help project. You’ll receive help and support and get to work with Tom one-on-one in a private forum. What do you have to lose? Give your dog a fighting chance and work with Tom to cure cancer naturally.

There’s only one thing left to do.

With your help, we can keep the research going and continue to uncover how to keep our dogs safe from unethical pet food companies and how to extend their lives through natural remedies and species appropriate diets.

If interested in supporting Susan’s advocacy efforts, I recommend subscribing to her Petsumer Report, an online pet food database that provides subscribers with information on over 3,500 pet foods and treats (with new products added each month) including raw pet foods. Gain access to the vital information that’s not disclosed on pet food labels.

If interested in supporting Tom’s research efforts, register to join any of his current three studies, donate to the project, contribute to the 2015 Long Living Pets Road Tour, or purchase his raw feeding book.

With your support comes knowledge and with knowledge we’re able to provide our pets with a healthier diet and the precious gift of more time here on earth.

These projects exist because of the tremendous amount of love and support pouring in from dog lovers all over the world.

Support Dog Owners and Raw Feeders Trying to Make a Difference 

Raw feeding research was once a distant hope for the future.

We understood the odds working against raw feeders: a real lack of funding and the pet industry protecting their backsides and current product offerings.

Luckily, times are changing, and pet owners are stepping up to fill in that gap. Research is underway and available!

What do you hope to gain from raw feeding research currently being carried out? I’d love to hear all about it in the form below!

Maybe this will inspire some of you to conduct your own study. Or, perhaps you’ll raise money to fund unbiased research. Kickstarter campaign anyone?

To Wrap Things Up


Know of any other raw feeding research or scientific studies?

Thank you for your feedback!